Tuesday 17 May 2011

Edinburgh, Scotland

We walked downtown today to check out the Edinburgh Castle. We knew we should have left earlier but we were still surprised how busy it was there.  School kids of all ages and lots of tourists too. Of the two other castles we’d seen this week, this admission was the most expensive.  At Culzean they had IPod audio tours and we caught a really good group tour at Stirling but here we decided to do it on our own, thinking things would be well marked but that wasn’t the case.  There were group tours but it was incredibly windy, the castle is on the top of a hill, and the audio tours were nearly £4 additional.  The military museum was free, after the castle admission of course, and it was more interesting than either one of thought it would be.  What we learned there was that England had the wealth, and Scotland had the expertise. Scotland’s military has had considerable involvement in global conflicts for decades.The castle can easily be spotted from downtown and is quite majestic.

Today we went to Calton Hill which as incredible views of the city.  The National Monument of Scotland was never finished and has eroded away but was designed similar to the Parthenon.  It’s possible to see the River Forth, Edinburgh Castle, the palace of Holyrood, and everything in between. There are lots of paths and benches there to enjoy the scenery. Several other monuments to Scottish leaders were there as well.

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