Monday 9 May 2011

Bath - Cotswolds

Below is the Cross Keys Pub, very near our B&B.  We had wonderful dinners there both Friday and Saturday evenings.  We had some of the best fajitas one evening and the second night, Tom ordered the mackerel and chips and I had deli platter with yummy local cheeses, salad, chutney, pate, and a small baguette. Both nights we met up with a neighborhood gardener and his dog Toby that loved to bat a tennis ball around on the floor with us.
We enjoyed walks in the same neighborhood.  This view of the countryside reminded me of BBC mini-series and the scenery scene in Jane Austen stories.
Sunday morning we left Bath for the village of Lacock in the southern Cotswolds, stopping in Brandford on Avon.  This family of swans were amazing to watch.  The chicks, guarded by their father were swimming near their mother who was sitting on her remaining eggs.
Here is another look at the same river………..
The village of Lacock has often been used in movie and tv scenes:
Today we drove from Stow on the Wold to Chipping Campden which is another lovely village.
The Cotswolds is long time sheep country and the buildings and homes are all limestone.  I can bear witness as of today that it is as plentiful in their soil as river rock is in ours!  There are also many homes here with the beautiful thatched roofs that childhood stories are made of.  Though it’s tough to make it out in the this photo, top portion actually has a decorative design on top.
This is the northern Cotswold vista from St James Cathedral in Chipping Campden.


  1. Hi Kim,

    None of the pictures are coming up. Do you know why?

    Trip sounds great so far!

  2. Hi Tom and Kim,

    Love the pics!! It looks amazing. Just like a picture book. Have fun(:

    Love, Cathy

  3. The pictures are sooooo pretty! I officially want to move stat haha. Glad to see you are having a blast! keep up the good work ;)...and make sure to post more pictures so us boring ppl can live vicariously through you lol

    Love Jess Mac

  4. Glad you are there and seeing such beautiful sights! Now I can live through you vicariously for the month of May! Have fun!
